A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma
Election 2024: An exploration of unusual circumstances, possible scenarios and their aftermaths, and what on earth is going on this election season?
Nota Bene: those who enjoyed my Feb 2023 piece on the Petro-Dollar may have noticed that subsequent events have only confirmed my overall thesis. For example, Saudi Arabia opted not to renew its 50-year Petro-Dollar agreement with the United States, which expired on June 9th, 2024.
Election polls are just another manipulative layer in the Digital Potemkin Village
Thankfully, most of the population is now skeptical—if not outright contemptuous—of officially-generated and published numbers, especially statistics around employment/unemployment, inflation, and now mRNA “vaccine” deaths/injuries.
And their skepticism is justified. For the deception is real, it is fully intentional, and far from harmless.
For example, as the death toll climbs globally,1 the ongoing disinformation regarding the “safety & effectiveness” of the mRNA “vaccines” (what I have called a “bioweapon” from the beginning) cannot be characterized as anything but a crime against humanity, and one with catastrophic consequences beyond our imagining. The word evil comes to mind.
The function of these official numbers isn’t to measure objective reality, but rather to create perceptions, or induce mindsets, or distract and misdirect attention.
Election polls are no different. They have no more credibility than the whispered utterances of a back-alley palmist; indeed, palmistry and election polling are similar in their purpose: to read and then shape the mind of the mark. And when it comes to election poll numbers, you and I are the marks.
Which is why it is vitally important that we try our best to see things as they really are; which means, in part, separating the signal — the truth — from the noise. And if there were ever an era with a surfeit of overwhelming 24/7 “noise,” it is now.
Towards that end, I wish to isolate and discuss three highly unusual, and potentially pivotal, dynamics around the 2024 election:
That the population is being psychologically prepared for violence and even civil war;
That Homeland Security is conducting a “cybersecurity exercise” on Election Day.
Thereafter, I will briefly explore possible scenarios for the election and their aftermaths, and then venture an opinion as to what is actually going on and why.
1. The stubborn fact of large numbers of illegal aliens
Across the American political spectrum, it is now broadly acknowledged that a very large number of illegal aliens currently reside in the US.
Most of the disagreement on this revolves, as usual, around nomenclature; nonetheless, as they are here illegally—this is a simple fact—calling them “undocumented workers” doesn’t change what, in fact, they are. This isn’t “anti-immigrant.” It is simply respecting an undeniable principle: that if you refuse to monitor and limit who comes across your borders, then you do not have a country. Indeed, enforcing the law on this is decidedly pro-immigrant.
It isn’t easy to pin down precise and reliable numbers; which reflects, of course, our fundamental lack of border control in the first place. The best we can do is a range, which is something like 10-30 million people. Some argue that it is higher than 50 million. But even if you take the lower end of 10 million, that is still quite enough to sway key districts in swing states.
Now, as I see it, there are three issues of consequence around the presence of illegal aliens in the US, particularly as they pertain to the 2024 election.
First, they are not just here by accident.
Anyone who believes that the flow of illegals across the border is just “happening”—rather than a result of deliberate policy—simply hasn’t been paying attention. Or, has been quarantined (fully or partially, as many countries are) from non-mainstream or “un-approved” news sources. Or, has arbitrarily decided a priori that such deliberate policies don’t or cannot happen.
These “deliberate policies” include both action and non-action. It’s simply a matter of human nature, expectations and incentive structures. For brief examples:
They have been lured. Under Obama, for example, illegals apprehended by border patrol agents described how there were lured by promises of amnesty; many recounted how they expected warm welcomes, housing, free healthcare, and so on. Reports at the time cited State Department activities in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador meant to do exactly that: encourage the inhabitants in those countries to seek a better life by coming to the US.
They know they will be welcomed. For decades, prominent members of the Democratic party have been calling for open borders (btw, how is this not treasonous?); and this is not lost on those around the globe who wish to come to the US. “Kamala,” for example, has continually expressed support for decriminalizing illegal border crossings.
They know they will get across. The “Bidan” White House immediately eliminated highly-effective programs. Then, despite the fact that it has the executive authority to act on the border and enable ICE to do its job, they continually delayed for 4 yeas, while fatuously (as if this is some kind of clever game) pointing to Congress. ICE and border patrol officials have made it clear, over and over again, that under “Bidan” it has become nearly impossible to do their job.
They know they will find work. Employers are incentivized to hire illegal aliens by the prospect of paying low wages and, more importantly, the lack of enforcement. Which brings us to something else: it is illegal to hire illegal aliens. In most contexts it is a felony. Why isn’t that being enforced? Why does the DOJ sit idly by? Now, in this context, the Biden Administration has hamstrung ICE yet again to do its job.
They know they will receive direct assistance. What are “sanctuary cities” but giant magnets for illegal immigration? Hotel rooms, cell phones, and a stipend of a couple thousand a month. Many Americans—including homeless veterans I have personally spoken with—are wondering how they can get this deal.
If all this were just“happening,” how is it that virtually all our actions and non-actions (above are a few examples among hundreds) line up to encourage, enable and increase illegal immigration?
The migrant caravans are there for everyone to see on video. They are organized. They are well-funded. They clearly have resources. Where did those resources come from?
…what else can we conclude but that the subversion of elections itself is intentional?
Again, it’s a matter of human nature, expectations, and incentive structures. If you were facing poverty, and a life of living in a house made of cinder block and corrugated plastic, and were young and strong, why wouldn’t you make the journey under these terms?
However, let’s focus on one example of a deliberate policy to facilitate illegal immigration.
The CBP One™ Mobile Application controversy
This CBP One™ Mobile Application is a cell phone app rolled out by the US Customs and Border Protection under the “Bidan” administration.
The basic issues at stake are described here during this 2023 Senate Hearing. Listen to Secretary Mayorkas’ combination of condescension and arrogant, slight-of-hand verbal showmanship under questioning.
He is obviously lying. And this is not only perjury; it is more broadly participation in treason, pure and simple.
The point is disorder, chaos, and subvert elections. Which they have done all across the globe for decades, and now in the US.
Without simple, commonsense measures to secure election integrity, it will be difficult if not impossible to prevent them from voting.
Indeed, they are being encouraged to do so. Many Democrats—including elected officials—have wondered aloud, treasonously, why they shouldn’t vote?
Many illegal immigrants now have an ID provided to them via Democratic policies in sanctuary cities. And in critical districts they may well be the deciding factor.
Second, why on earth would anyone oppose Voter ID laws? (And by “Voter ID,” it is always meant that proof of citizenship has been provided.) I have been asking this question in person and on social media for a decade; and have never heard a remotely coherent reply to this question.
There is not a single rational reason on earth for opposing Voter ID. The stated reasons for opposing it (somehow minorities cannot get IDs or are afraid or too stupid to do so) are so offensive and risibly transparent that they are not worth arguing against.
…indeed, the population has almost been psychologically prepared not only to see but almost to expect election fraud.
One might argue that dead people “voting” or people voting multiple times might be a factor, but it is likely a small factor. But in the context of 10-30 million people who are ineligible to vote, why not support a Voter ID law?
In every area of life—including the Democratic Convention itself—personal identification is needed to participate or enter certain areas. And no one ever complains that somehow this is “racist.” Because presumably even such people realize how ludicrous that would sound. Somehow, they explain, Voter ID is different; they just cannot coherently explain why.
And I’m just wondering, what about venues that required Vaccine ID’s during the height of the lockdown—or Vaccine Passports in the future—are these racist?
Virtually every nation on earth requires some kind of Voter ID; why not in the US?
I think it’s obvious to everyone; including those opposing it, whatever else they tell themselves. Opposition to voter ID is tantamount to admitting that you don’t care about election integrity and are okay with voter fraud.
Third, why do those who oppose Voter ID wish to thwart the will of the American people? Aren’t these the same people who support (what they erroneously call) “Our Democracy”?
There is no fundamental Right or Constitutional principle at stake.
Americans overwhelmingly favor Voter ID laws. According to a very recent Gallop Poll, for example, more than 80% of American voters favor photo identification requirements and proof of citizenship. I thought the Democrats care about “preserving Democracy”? Whatever that sound-bite actually means, can they mean thwarting the will of the American people?
Trump’s assassination attempt was obviously staged. And I think I know why; and I think this reason is deeply connected to the 2024 election and the aftermath.
So what can we conclude from all this? If there are large numbers of illegal aliens here in the US, if they have been purposely and intentionally lured here, and if Voter IDs are verboten — what else can we conclude but that the subversion of elections itself is intentional?
Whether they will effectively sway the election is another question.
But their role, in my opinion, doesn’t stop there.
Which brings us to our second unique circumstance around the 2024 Election.
2. We are being prepared for violence and perhaps even civil war
I do not say this lightly; nor am I saying violence will necessarily occur; I truly hope with all my being that it won’t. I am, however, saying that it is quite clear that we are being prepared for violence—if not civil war—psychologically.
The pre-programming has become increasingly relentless over the past decade and especially the past year. When an identical phrase or a theme appears “out of the blue” in the media—as they do continually2—and is repeated across every channel/outlet, usually this points to some level of intentionality and coordination.
And this is especially true of something so unusual and yet serious as this.
I am tempted to just say just go look at the media; nevertheless, out of courtesy, here are three examples, almost presented a fait accompli:
Here is a Politico piece:
Here is Foreign Policy:
And here is The Hill:
And yet, the same media act surprised that “polls” — such as this survey from The Hill—show that Americans fully expect violence following the 2024 Election.
(Incidentally, this was one reason, among so many, why it was so important for them to engineer and hype the Jan6 Psy-Op.)
If we look to other media, there are many Anons who focus on how television programming and Hollywood movies foreshadow—“pre-program” the population for—an event ahead of time. Not vaguely, but with great specificity and regularity. There exist countless examples for 9/11 and the Covid/Lockdown Psy-Op.
Here is a movie released in March 2024, bluntly called “Civil War.” Give the trailer a watch:
So lets add up the circumstances thus far:
They seem to be setting up the election for failure;
They are clearly preparing the population for violence and even civil war;
They have installed millions of young, military-aged illegal aliens in cities around the country.
Good heavens, what could possibly go wrong?
What about our third unique circumstance?
3. “Homeland Security” is planning a “Cybersecurity Exercise” on Election Day
So what is this “Cybersecurity Exercise” all about? The ostensible idea is to simulate a cyber-attack on “critical infrastructure.” And not just anywhere, but in a critical and historically-contested swing state: Georgia.
On the one hand, this could be an attempt to truly monitor the fairness of the election process. And undoubtedly there is a very real threat—as we saw during the still-contested 2020 election—posed by domestic and foreign actors who are able, willing and ready.
On the other hand, I am skeptical. Homeland Security itself was created directly on the rubble of the 9/11 Psy-Op, with a dubious mission and a weirdly Orwellian name. And what exactly have they accomplished in the intervening years? That is, other than siphon tax dollars and harass and delay American citizens and passengers at airports? Are we “safer”? From what exactly? If border security does fall under their purview, they are either grossly incompetent or treasonous. If it does not, what exactly does?
Moreover, if you were going to monitor an election, why would you telegraph ahead of time that you were intending to do so?
…these riots will be very real and very dangerous; and once again, just as in the past, they will be celebrated by the media and prominent Democrats as somehow necessary to “Save Our Democracy.”
But even more to the point: when we look at large and small-scale Psy-Ops, both recent and in the distant past, they are remarkable in what they share: there is almost always an accompanying “exercise” of some kind.
Here are three examples:
A. On the days leading up to and on the very day of 9/11, there were a network of simulated “war games” and emergency planning “exercises” in Manhattan. See here for an overview of some of them.
Why? Well, an operation of that scale and hyper-sophistication requires a very high level of coordination, and at all levels. And the “exercises” provide both cover for their coordination and presence of key personnel.
B. Nearly every school shooting just happens to have a “shooting exercise” scheduled just weeks or days before the actual, apparent “shooting.” Readers might remember that this was true for the Uvalde “shooting” as well.
To what purpose? First, it provides cover for a kind of rehearsal. And second the “exercise” is usually filmed, and the footage is then released to the public as an actual “shooting.”
How do we know? Because we can compare the “exercise” with the alleged “event” and discern discrepancies. For example, the film footage might show overcast clouds; when the day in question, when the alleged “event” took place, might have blue skies and sun all day.
C. The Covid/Lockdown Psy-Op was no exception here either: among many such “exercises,” there was the infamous October 2019 Event 201, during which “public health officials” and “global businesses” and governments modeled a “fictional coronavirus pandemic.”
“The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. “
Just to drive the point home: there was a coronavirus pandemic “exercise” war-gamed just 2 months before the alleged “outbreak.”
And with respect to all three examples (of many we could provide): think about it, what are the odds?
So again what is this Homeland Security “exercise” about?
Coordination of violence and riots? Materials? People? Coordinating a response to the violence in order to escalate it?
Or is it to monitor— and make slight adjustments—to election result in real-time? Who will have better access than they?
Or both?
All under the cover of an official “exercise.” Is that so far fetched? Really?
Ultimately, what role this Homeland Security “exercise” may play is hard to say for sure. We shall see. In any case, the timing and nature of this “exercise” is quite unusual, and at the very least suspicious.
In my heart of hearts, and mind of minds, I believe the 2024 Election and its aftermath is the next phase in the Great Awakening.
Possible Scenarios for Election Day & Thereafter
Prognostication around election time is, of course, is iffy at best. However, it seems to me that—based on the above—there are two very possible, if not likely, scenarios that are worth entertaining, even if briefly.
Scenario A
If “Kamala” (who is she exactly?) “wins,” it will once again be patently obvious the election was fraudulent.
However, this time it won’t be obvious to just to a few of us; but to a large part of the population, if not the whole world — who will have been watching with the exact question of “election integrity” in mind.
In other words, in 2020, claims of election fraud were easy to dismiss. By now, however, the world has changed a great deal; trust is at an all-time low; indeed, the population has almost been psychologically prepared not only to see but almost to expect election fraud.
This awareness will, in turn, provide a new catalyst for many of the remaining population to wake up.
So the global deep state will have no choice but to distract the population.
Here are the three ways I believe they will attempt do so:
1. “Save our Democracy” Riots. They will induce people to mob and riot to distract and create confusion, just as they have done in the past. The underlying purpose will be to secure the “legitimacy” of the election.
Now, as most now realize, Jan6 was pure fakery; a staged event, a Psy-Op. And one for which Trump supporters have been continually excoriated.
Conversely, however, these “Save our Democracy” riots will be very real and very dangerous; and once again, just as in the past, they will be celebrated by the media and prominent Democrats as somehow necessary to “Save Our Democracy.” (The injustice and the asymmetry is as maddening as the blindness of our fellow citizens is terrifying.)
They will have 10-30 million illegal immigrants to deploy, especially in key cities.
If you look again at the chart above, it’s not hard to notice that by far most of the recent illegal immigrants are single, and presumably young.
To date, approximately 425,000 known convicted criminal illegal immigrants, including 13,000 murderers and 15,000 rapists, have been knowingly allowed into this country. This should not surprise anyone; reports of dangerous persons being allowed into the US occur regularly and frequently. For example, the House Judiciary recently reported that Border Patrol are approving the entry of notorious gang members from Venezuela.
At least some of these people may well be armed. This is no joke. Armed gangs have been harassing citizens in cities and towns across the US. An example in Aurora Colorado here and here. Similar occurrences in NYC are described here.
Few Democrats seem to think this is a big deal; until of course, the illegals are transported to where they live.
The dialectic of violence will be leveraged: induce riots and violence —> crack down hard —> escalate violence, etc. Blame this on Trump the “fascist,” an illiterate use of the word if ever there were one. And off we go to chaos.
This is why we are being prepared for violence and possibly civil war; why Homeland Security might be conducting an “exercise” the day of the election; and why the sheer numbers of illegal aliens — mostly young and single — are so alarming, especially in the context of a lack of Voter ID/election integrity, not to mention possible post-election violence.
2. Financial and economic chaos. They will tank the equity markets globally; which in turn will trigger massive dislocations in markets around the globe.
3. War. They will clamor for global war, even war involving nuclear armaments, via a manufactured “incident” — and the confused and angry masses will now have their scapegoat.
None of these methods to induce chaos and misdirection are historically unprecedented; perhaps, however, this time the scale would be so.
Scenario B
If Trump wins, the Deep State around the globe— and those in the general population who actually believe the nonsense the media says about him—will be in full scale panic.
Why? Because his election, just like Elon Musk’s X/Twitter, threatens their very hold on the population. Here is, briefly, a part of what is at stake:
In this case also, they will have to create chaos and confusion, and by the same means above. Again….
Organized mobs, violence and “Save Our Democracy” riots;
Market catastrophes;
…and a sudden global war that misdirects the attention of the population.
Their goal? If the election isn’t overturned, or if we don’t devolve into civil war, Trump and his agenda will be overwhelmed by these and follow-on events.
Either way, it may look roughly the same; and either way we may well be in for a very rough ride.
I hope I am wrong about all of this. Sadly, I don’t think I am fundamentally.
Casting forward to Part II of this Essay:
Now, with all that said….
In my heart of hearts, and mind of minds, I believe the 2024 Election and its aftermath is the next phase in the Great Awakening. That it will be the catalyst to wake up the remainder of the population, or at least a good portion of them.
It is important to understand, however, that the “Great Awakening,” however, isn’t a single event. It’s a long-process.
Casting ahead to Part II, where I will expand upon all of this, here is briefly what I currently believe to be true:
First, I believe firmly that we are still at the heart of the Counterinsurgency Operation, which I described in some detail here…
Second, there are hundreds of Anon theories about what is really going on “behind the scenes.” For my own part, however, I roughly believe that Trump is actually still the Commander in Chief; that “Bidan” (not Biden, who is almost certainly dead) is an actor; and that “Kamala” (whoever she is, I believe an actor) is now in the spotlight to sow doubt not only about her basic suitability for high office, but about the continued relevance and even existence of the entire Democrat party in its current form. (Notice how even the media—including SNL— are changing its tune about “Kamala”?) I do not believe that these are two actual campaigns or that this is a “real” election.
Third, Trump’s assassination attempt was obviously staged. And I think I know why; and the reason is deeply connected to the 2024 election and the aftermath. Here is a brief piece I sketched out shortly after the “event;” it was intended merely for private discussion with correspondents on forums and elsewhere, but will give you an idea of where I am going with this.

Fourth, what is going to happen may well be quite scary. That is the point.
I have made some tentative suggestions above about what those events might be.
Fifth, from 2017 to 2020, we were assured that everything possible will be done to limit casualties and damage. That it will appear a lot scarier than it, in fact, is. That there was no other way. That we should remain calm and counsel others to do. And so on.
But this is all getting ahead way of myself; I will be expanding on all this in Part II.
We shall see how all this transpires in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, God help us.
P.S. 😊
Ed Dowd is now estimating the death toll is between 7.5 to 15 million dead; 29 to 60 million disabled globally; 500 to 900 million injured, which is almost 1/8th of the global population. The extent of fertility rates and long-term cancer effects is not yet known. These numbers are extrapolations based on Pfizer internal documents and are obviously very rough estimates. See presentation overview here. I do not normally touch on this issue out of consideration for friends and family who are already “vaxed,” but enough is enough.
And, while we’re at it, consider this: the HHS used nearly $1B of our tax dollars to push the Covid Psy-Op; that is to say, we paid for our own oppression, injury and death.
I am fully aware that this is Sinclair media; however, if you cannot see the incredibly powerful point in this and how it reflects how the media works on a daily basis, I cannot help you.